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Wish this is me now.... |
Anyways, just a few thots and tips hopefully, since I rasa ramai kat luar sana yg samada baru nak jadi mommies or just would like to get some heads up on things about pregnancy... Since I dah ada 5 kali experience ni I rasa tak salah kan share apa2 yg patut... Sharing is caring....
Firstly, I nak share my thots and feelings on this pregnancy journey... I rasa this time memang experience yg sangat different from the rest of my pregnancies... Maybe it's the age thingy, or maybe it's even the fact that I am carrying a boy this time... Entahlah, yg pasti kali ni dah la terlebih penat, pastu very anxious to get it over & done with... Siap dok usha videos on giving birth and the likes sedangkan sebelum ni I couldn't be bothered at all... My most favourite site will have to be BabyCentre (http://www.babycenter.com.my)... Banyak info and tips berguna for us mommies kat sini.... And I especially like to read on the Birth Stories... You can really get a lot of ideas on how things can be like during childbirth....
My own personal experience on all 4 childbirth masa dengan Dr Marlik was that all were induced. Masa my 1st baby, I had a show... Ada la secalit dua darah kot keluar at 38 weeks but that was enough to send us to the hospital at about midnite... Terus kena tahan although there was no contractions... So Dr Marlik put me on Pitocyn and later I was given Entonox gas as painkiller... I terima je lah apa2 pun since 1st time and memang tak tau what to expect... Alhamdulillah the labour pain was not too long... By dawn my baby Feera already made her grand entrance... Second pregnancy, Dr Marlik told us to come in for check up on Boxing Day at 37 weeks... Dia buat VE (vaginal examination) and said I was 2cm dilated... No contraction but he wanted me to be induced... Again I just followed his advise but this time I insisted not to have any painkiller since the last time the after effect was that I was too drowsy to breastfeed my baby... I was determined to immediately breastfeed my baby this time round... Alhamdulillah the labour lasted for about 4- 5 hours only and baby Erin said hi to the world... Similarly for baby Ayra, Dr Marlik told us to come in for checkup at 37 weeks and indicated that baby will be borne on that day... Kali ni memang almost similar to no 2, VE was done and I was told I was 4cm dilated... I was induced on Pitocyn and no painkiller.... Come baby Zara's turn, when we went for the 37 weeks checkup I was 2cm dilated... This time I was determined to wait for some contractions to come by... So Dr Marlik sent us home and 3 days after I had some contractions when hubby rushed me to hospital... Still the contractions were not strong or regular enough so again I was put on Pitocyn... This time tho, I have heard of Epidural and requested to have it as painkiller... Unfortunately, the anesthetist did some blunder that the Epidural did not work on me... I could actually feel every single thing including the insertion of catheter (hmmm betul ke nama benda tu??) to extract urine... Punya lah sakit kali ni... Dah la belakang kena inject for the Epidural, then semua kesakitan pun boleh rasa gak!!! Defeats the whole purpose.... Anyway, alhamdulillah all went well with another short labour cuma of all the childbirth this was the most painful by far although Zara only weighted 2.33kg....
Back to this pregnancy, kali ni memang i kena macam2 punya sakit... Like the migraine attack, then very frequent lower back pain even during 2nd trimester, a very bad toothache yg I dok tahan sampai sekarang and recently the muscle pull that came from no where... Memang teramatlah mencabar this time round... I suppose inilah dugaan tapi something yg memang buat I agak cuak since this is the first time I ambik advance MC prior to delivery... My other 4 pregnancies memang I redah kerja till the day i deliver... So nampak sangat la yg I sememangnya dah berumur... Huhuhuhuh.... Yes, I can actually feel my body age... It's like wear & tear case where all the alignments dah lari, banyak parts yg dah longgar and you feel like "This is it... This is the finale!!".... And kali ni agaknya since I banyak rest and less active, baby macam tak nak keluar lagi (Dr Aziz thot I was going to deliver on the 16th January ari tu lagi...)... Macam2 I dah cuba... Swimming, eat lotsa curries, scrubbing the toilet floor (they say the doggy position is good to bring on labor), drink a concoction of tea + yolk, drink air akar fatimah, etc.... Now I just need to leave it all to Allah to decide when baby will make his appearance... I do hope he will be born this Thursday tho sempena Maulud Nabi... Nak ambik berkat birthday Rasulullah s.a.w. amin.....
Anyway, I need to get my rest now... There is possibility of me getting induced tomorrow since I am already 2cm dilated as of 3 days ago... Maybe more by now... As worried as I am that I will be in greater pain this time, I pray to Allah that all will be well and that segalanya dipermudahkan.... And hopefully I get to update this blog once I have delivered my baby so that I can share my experience yet again.... Please pray for me and my baby, amin....